Tallowmere: il titolo in arrivo il 9 novembre sui Nintendo Switch europei

Tramite un trailer pubblicato oggi, Teyon ha annunciato l’arrivo di Tallowmere, il titolo è in arrivo settimana prossima sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Tallowmere verrà infatti pubblicato il prossimo 9 novembre 2017 sull’eShop europeo ed americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il trailer dell’annuncio, ed informazioni sul titolo, in calce all’articolo.

Tallowmere is coming to Nintendo Switch in Europe and Americas on November 9th, 2017! Greetings, hero! How far through Lady Tallowmere’s dungeons can you delve in this 2D indie action roguelike-inspired platformer? Each randomly-generated room gets bigger, harder, and more rewarding the further you go. Raise your shield and hunt for the key in each room – or die trying. Be on your guard for every enemy, elite, boss, and treasure chest you’ll encounter. Discover new weapons and armor ranging from Basic to Otherworldly. Brace yourself as you learn the quirks of each foe, trap, and room type so you can strive for that “one more run” high-score victory! For more information visit https://www.tallowmere.com © Chris McFarland 2017. Licensed to, developed and published by Teyon.

Website: http://www.teyon.com/games Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeyonGames Facebook: http://facebook.com/TeyonGames Google+: http://www.google.com/+Teyon Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/TeyonGames

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